
Friday, August 30, 2019


I went and saw The Rolling Stones with my dad a couple nights ago. It was pretty great. That is probably the last time I'll be able to see them. Tomorrow Mike and I are going to see Alice in Chains. I saw them once before, 8 years ago. I wish I could have when Layne was alive, but that's okay, they were pretty good last time. Then I start my new job a couple days after that. I need to go back to work!!

Friday, August 23, 2019


Pages from my November 2018 scrapbook.
I drank with some friends last night. I wasn't going to drink very much, but then this other couple that I don't really know (besides him being the maintence guy) came over and I felt uncomfortable, like I just couldn't relate to anyone, so of course I drank more. It wasn't too bad though. I didn't get crazy or throw up or anything. I just had a terrible headache at 5 AM, had trouble getting back to sleep for a while. 
So Wednesday was my last day at work, and I start my new job in the beginning of the month. I cried a little bit when I left and walked back to my car. I'm just glad I didn't cry in front of anyone, even though everyone there knows me well enough to know that I did. It's weird that I'm not going back. Everyone seems to think that it's because of this or that, when I really just quit because I need to for myself. I'm never going to feel better about myself if I never step out of my comfort zone and learn something new.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

This project

I was going to get to 1,000. The idea was to have some sort of showing, all 1,000 of them covering a wall or something. I made binders, put 100 in each binder. Filled 3 and a half binders. Wrote the number, the date, and my name on the back of them. Then I decided they were stupid and cut a bunch of them up. I saved some that I liked. Mixed them in with all the other papers I had, the stacks of paper I bought at the thrift store and the Wikipedia articles. I think I'll scan more of them.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Crap photos from February

I bought a camera from the thrift store that I'm not very good at using. These pictures aren't good but I kind of like them.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


This canvas I've been unhappy with and painted over multiple times, but I like it just as it is now. 
So I went ahead and just did it, I put my two weeks in yesterday. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that in two weeks I will leave and never come back. In a good way though! I feel like I'm in control of my life, like I can get out there and do other things if I want to. I'm not saying I'm old, but something about turning 26 this year made me realize that I'm not getting any younger, and that if I don't make an effort to change things in my life they never will. 

Friday, August 16, 2019


One of the pictures from a project I started and never finished, July 2018.
I got called back for another interview tomorrow! I am so excited! I work a very short shift today, I'm not dreading it or looking forward to it, I'm just thinking about this other job. I've gone from 85% sure to 95% sure that I got it, I just want to be 100% so I can put my two weeks in. I've worked at my current job for 7 years. It's time to move on.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Snowed in

These pictures are from February 2019. We got nearly three feet of snow, which is the most I've ever seen in my life. I live in Arizona, so we aren't really used to this. The whole town basically shut down for a few days. These pictures are from day three. Mike and I were getting incredibly bored and decided to take a walk.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I've been drawing a lot more than usual these days. Here's some that I like. I want to clean up the bowling pin and make it into a sticker perhaps. 
I had an interview yesterday and I think I may have gotten the job! I'm not certain, but I have a pretty good feeling about it. She wants me to come back for a 2nd one! 

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Another page of that one book I made
I'm going to work today. I feel like I'm never at work anymore. I'm actually home more than I'm at work lately and it's weird. Well, I 've kind of been a loser about it, but yesterday I got a bunch of shit done and I feel a lot better. I've been applying for jobs, tomorrow I'm going to call a couple of them. Mike and I are getting opposite hours for the most part, so I've been at home alone a lot.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

January 2019 pt. 2

 This is the only picture that I got back from my Minnesota trip unfortunately. This is a cute chair on Leandra's back porch.
 "Get that shit out of here!!"

 This is an early phase of my car becoming an art car. There's Amanda drawing Hank on it. She also drew Bobby. We went to an empty parking lot and did this for a couple hours, it was really nice. The car is much different now, it's extremely colorful, but Hank and Bobby are still there.